That is a very interesting question. Unfortunately I don't have that
information but I would also be interested to know the answer. Would
you be willing to share that info with the list?
By the way I AM doing research on how grad students in certain field
sciences (ecology and integrative archeology) learn to puruse research
in the field, so your question has some relevance to my work.
Thanks and let me know if you can..
Jeff Dodick
Jeff Dodick
Science Teaching Center
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Givat Ram, Jerusalem
Israel 91904
tel: 972-2-6586492
> Colleagues,
> I am looking for a report, article, or other source of information
> that describes the percentage of time geoscientists in academia,
> industry, and government spend doing field work, office work, lab
> work, teaching, etc. So I would like to know the types of tasks
> geoscientists do at work and what percentage of a geoscientist's
> time is spent on each task. I realize that there is a lot of
> variability, so whatever info I can get would be helpful. Does
> anybody know of a report, article, or source that may have this
> information?
> Thanks for your help.
> Julie Sexton
> Research Associate
> University of Northern Colorado
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