Hi-while it doesn't deal with Plate Tectonics, the book "T. Rex and the
Craters of Doom" by Walter (?) Alverez (I think that is the title, I'm
sitting in a hotel room in LA without access to my library) does tell the
story of how developments in physics lead to the discovery of a mechanism
for dinosaur extinction...It's a good read too.
Larry Davis
On 8/27/10 9:18 AM, "Karen Campbell" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Good morning,
> I will be teaching an undergraduate "J-Term" course that is the
> capstone in a STEM minor sequence. It focuses on Earth Science, but
> also revisits other elements of STEM. My fellow instructors and I are
> looking for suggestions of "McPhee-style" texts for the course that
> highlight the (often unintended) ways in which technological advances
> pave the way for scientific breakthroughs. Ideally, these would be
> about Plate Tectonics or Global Warming breakthroughs, but we are open
> to other stories that relate to Earth science (including astronomy and
> meteorology as this is a course aimed at Education majors).
> Many thanks,
> Karen Campbell
> Education Director
> National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics
> St. Anthony Falls Laboratory
> University of Minnesota
> Minneapolis, MN
> [log in to unmask]
R. Laurence Davis, Ph.D.
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University Research Scholar
Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences
University of New Haven
300 Boston Post Road
West Haven, Connecticut 06516
<[log in to unmask]>
Office: 203-932-7108 Fax: 203-931-6097
A Leader in Experiential Education