Dear all
I agree on stats - get an expert. Stacie Conchie in our Fieldwork is good study was a psychology PhD student drafted in to look after statistical analysis of the data we collected. She was excellent and is now on staff in our psycho dept.
Dr. A.P. Boyle
School of Environmental Sciences, Herdman Building, 4 Brownlow Street
University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GP, U.K.
Tel: (0151) 794 5154; FAX:(0151) 794 5196; Departmental home page:
"The great tragedy of Science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact." (Huxley, 1825 - 1895)
-----Original Message-----
From: Cesar Delgado [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 17 June 2010 14:48
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: research in education
Jeff Dodick's comment is very true - you can't always just use a t-
test. The nature of the variables play a role in determining what test
is appropriate. This site can provide some insight:
but it would be best to consult a stats expert.
Cesar Delgado * Assistant Professor * Science and Mathematics
Education * 1 University Station D5700 * University of Texas at Austin
* Austin, TX 78712 * Phone: (512) 232 9682
On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:09 AM, Britta Bookhagen wrote:
> Greetings everyone
> I was wondering whether someone could recommend one or two educational
> papers, that use pre-and posts tests to assess students achievements
> from a program taught (I actually have two post-tests, a long term and
> a short term).
> I am about to write things up for a scientific paper and I am not sure
> whether I should use repeated measurements or two series of t-tests to
> analyze the quantitative questions. Does anyone have experience with
> this topic? There are just too many papers out there and I am not sure
> about their reliability.
> I would very much appreciate any suggestions.
> Thank you very much
> Britta