Sorry I missed you. I helped a student give her talk from 10-11, but then back home-couldnt get babysitter that day.
>>> Susan Grammer <[log in to unmask]> 3/5/2010 12:39 PM >>>
Are you going to the msta conference in Lansing today/tomorrow?
If you are , look for me at booth T60/61.
Susan F. Grammer
Outreach Coordinator-CoreKids
Western Michigan University
Geosciences Department
Michigan Geological Repository
for Research and Education
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 13, 2009, at 3:14 PM, Nicole LaDue <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Michael Wysession, Washington University and I hope to conveen the
> session below at GSA 2009 in Porland. We hope that you might
> consider submitting any talks related to promoting Earth science
> literacy broadly to the public or through the K-12 or undergraduate
> systems.
> Number in Call for Papers: T107
> Title: Promoting Literacy About Earth System Science Concepts
> Session Type: Oral
> Scientific Categories: Geoscience Education, Public Policy,
> Geoscience Information/Communication
> Sponsor: National Association of Geoscience Teachers
> Rationale: Scarcity of energy resources, workforce development, and
> international competitiveness are all compelling reasons to promote
> Earth system science literacy. There is also a need for an informed
> public to make decisions about politically- charged topics such as
> climate change and evolution. Multiple documents that define the
> main themes and supporting concepts underpinning ocean, atmospheric,
> and earth science provide the scientific and education communities
> with a valuable tool. These documents have been used to design
> museum exhibits, write textbooks and curricula, and to communicate a
> unified message to the public. We hope to continue the dialogue
> about how the geoscience community can build upon the momentum of
> these efforts.
> Cheers!
> Nicole
> Nicole LaDue
> Earth Science Literacy Initiative Organizing Committee
> Michigan State University starting 8/09
> [log in to unmask]
> [log in to unmask]