Wondering if anyone has any thoughts for this.
In office 365, you can create a calendar under your account and then share it, and the person you want to share it to gets an email with a link to add the calendar, which in outlook they can click on it and it will add that calendar.
That's fine as long as you still have that original email. Does anyone know if there's a way to open that calendar if you no longer have the original link sent to you? If I search for shared calendars, I can get to the catalog of names for people in office 365, but there's no indication of any sub-calendars that person has shared (at least that I've found so far).
I could have the person that did the initial sharing of the calendar send out a new link to the person, but this comes up often enough that I was wondering if there was some other way to find it easily that I haven't found yet.