List Name |
List Title |
List of botanical gardens and arboreta staff interested in plant collections (295 Subscribers) |
Association of Env Eng Sci Professors (1271 Subscribers) |
English Graduate Student List (54 Subscribers) |
AgeAlive (6 Subscribers) |
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (442 Subscribers) |
American Indian & Indigenous Studies (41 Subscribers) |
APIDA & Asian Faculty Staff Association (88 Subscribers) |
MSU Accommodating Technology Committee (56 Subscribers) |
Big Ten Athletic Admissions (17 Subscribers) |
BFSAA Community (1041 Subscribers) |
Big Ten and Friends Mechanical Group (98 Subscribers) |
BLV Research Team (20 Subscribers) |
MSU Broader Impacts Network (174 Subscribers) |
BSP community (16 Subscribers) |
BSP faculty (9 Subscribers) |
BSP stakeholders (454 Subscribers) |
BSP students (144 Subscribers) |
Budget system users (535 Subscribers) |
C3 Coordinator LISTSERV (59 Subscribers) |
CAHQCDG (100 Subscribers) |
MSU Career Services Network News (162 Subscribers) |
Capital Area Sexual Assault Response (81 Subscribers) |
Cascade Server User Announcements (1482 Subscribers) |
Center for Survivors Email List (3156 Subscribers) |
CFT Online Certificate Program at MSU (15982 Subscribers) |
Chapin-l Foro Guatemala 1995-2008 (99 Subscribers) |
Chicago Alumni (3 Subscribers) |
CIS Club (13 Subscribers) |
CSUS Graduate Master Students (20 Subscribers) |
CSUS Graduate PhD Students (28 Subscribers) |
Community Sustainability - STAFF (7 Subscribers) |
CSUS-TSFACULTY (27 Subscribers) |
Drug Discovery Information (3 Subscribers) |
Medical Education Research and Development (4424 Subscribers) |
Drew Scholars Alumni Connection (2 Subscribers) |
Diversity Research Network (486 Subscribers) |
Digital Scholarship Lab Information (92 Subscribers) |
MSU Student Affairs Info (45 Subscribers) |
EAGLE (0 Subscribers) |
Educator Development Network (32 Subscribers) |
All Teacher Ed departmental personnel (99 Subscribers) |
Ecological Food and Farm Stewardship (331 Subscribers) |
EMS Leadership (176 Subscribers) |
English Emeriti Faculty (20 Subscribers) |
Retention & Graduation Issues Concerning Minorities in Higher Education (206 Subscribers) |
MSU Entrepreneurship and Innovation (69 Subscribers) |
Communications to alumni of ESPP at MSU (53 Subscribers) |
Michigan Farmers' Market Managers (982 Subscribers) |
MSU Film Studies announcements (1399 Subscribers) |
Clients of the MSU Student Food Bank (2859 Subscribers) |