



The way I do it is I have 1 group policy that maps all of my drives based on security group membership (for the most part). You need to make sure loopback processing is enabled on the GPO otherwise it won’t apply. With the loopback processing enabled it will apply the “User Configuration” GPO settings as long as the computer you’re logging into is in your OU. I have a drive map setup in the GPO for each share I need to push via GP and then use item-level targeting to apply that specific drive map to the group/user/whatever that it needs to apply to.


There may be a better way but that’s what I do and it seems to work.


If you want to swing by, I can show you my setup.





From: duynslag [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2018 3:49 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] CampusAD question group policy for mapping drives based upon security group membership


Hi this is a question for a department that uses campusad and does drive mapping.  


In Campus AD, if the users from my dept. are in the accounts container and not under a certain OU.  How can I apply a group policy that does drive mapping based upon security group membership for my depts. users?     


Typically from my experience, one moves a user into an OU and applies a group policy that does something for the user.  





Lee Duynslager

Information Tech. Professional

Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences

(517) 432-5296