Hello everyone,
We have a WordPress performance issue I’m hoping somebody here has some insight on. We are running a multisite WordPress installation with about 30 active sites. Users are having difficulty editing the main page
(http://broad.msu.edu/) because it is too slow to complete within the PHP execution limit of 30 seconds. W3TC and APC are already enabled. The cache size is sufficiently large to not drop
frequently requested pages. During an edit of the main page, PHP execution is taking up the full time of a CPU thread. CPU utilization for the general public reading pages is minimal. The hosting machine is physical with 2.8 GHz cores.
Increasing the execution limit isn’t going to be considered acceptable.
If anyone has any thoughts (even what might seem basic),
or would be interested in helping to resolve this issue,
any input would greatly be appreciated.
Thank you,
Jeremy Isaac
Broad College System Administrator