

I had someone forward me one yesterday that it turns out when I go back and check the link out it indeed takes one to a page along those lines.  I thought it was a little interesting that by the time I had responded to my user about it that it wasn't being blocked by msu yet, since they normally start blocking things pretty quick.  

Not sure I'm a big fan of this myself.  Not the least of which at the minimum, it ultimately means more work for me, since I invariably will get people forwarding the various phishing emails to me asking if they're legit.  And of course, if that link was personalized to the recipient (which is quite possible considering the long string of seemingly random characters in it), they'll now think that that person followed it, when it was actually me when investigating.  

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 10:59 AM, James Sprague <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Just a thought here, but has anyone else seen an increase in email phishing from MSU related domains? My friend had a user click on it the other day and said when you went the link it showed an MSU page saying something along the lines of you've been phished and was completely benign. Additionally, he looked at the root of site and it went to some Symantec login page. I'm wondering if campus is using and just hasn't told the rest of the IT community.