

Hi, all--
We've just moved onto ITS's Barracuda Spam Filter and turned off the anti-spam product running on our Exchange servers. Our problem concerns unsolicited marketing messages, usually with unsubscribe links, that used to be considered spam. We used to move most of them out of people's inboxes into a separate folder with rules like "if text contains "<img" add [x] points to the spam score." However, it turns out Barracuda (in common with current versions of other anti-spam products) doesn't allow rules like this.

What I would like to achieve is something like the "Promotions" tab on Gmail: a place to collect these e-mails and keep them out of the inbox. We're running Exchange 2010.

I'd be grateful for any ideas.

Bill Wheeler, Systems Administrator
Michigan State University Libraries
[log in to unmask]  (517) 884-0882