I have had no response on this questing regarding WSUS with SSL.

My guess is that everyone resorted to WSUS without SSL.

I will share the script I use to configure the firewall on my WSUS server.  The rule for port 8530 is separate from 8531 in case I want to expand the remoteip list for the SSL port 8531 at some future time.  I run this script after WSUS is installed so the wide open WSUS rule is deleted.

@echo off
set scriptdir=%~dp0
rem use %scriptdir% to reference folder from which this script is run
@whoami /groups | find "S-1-16-12288" >nul
@if errorlevel 1 (cscript /nologo %scriptdir%..\kbsutils\RunCmdElevated.vbs %0 %*) & exit /b
netsh %1 %2 %3 %4 -f "%~dpn0.txt"

advfirewall firewall
delete rule name="WSUS"
delete rule name="WSUS8530"
delete rule name="WSUS8531"
add rule name="WSUS8530" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=8530 remoteip=LocalSubnet,,, profile=domain
add rule name="WSUS8531" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=8531 remoteip=LocalSubnet,,, profile=domain


On 4/26/2016 2:26 PM, Stefan Ozminski wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite"> WSUS administrators,

Has anyone had success setting up WSUS on Windows Server 2012 R2 with an SSL configuration?

I've tried it twice now, and although the https connection works, the clients don't communicate with the server properly.  To make it worse, when I follow the instructions How to Configure the WSUS Web Site to Use SSL, I lose the ability to open the administration console on the WSUS host, and when you test client access with the url https://<wsushost>.kbs.msu.edu:8531/ClientWebService/Client.asmx?singleWsdl, the xml returned contains references to http:8530 instead of https:8531.  Since the instructions say to lock the virtual directory ClientWebService to SSL, it isn't going to work.  Before you ask, the answer is yes, I remembered to use wsusutil.exe configuressl hostfqdn, and I configured the clients with the https://hostfqdn:8531 that was output to the Command Prompt window by wsusutil.exe.

The initial HTTPS connection works.  I can open the administrator console on a server that is not the WSUS host and connect remotely to the console interface of the WSUS host.

The WSUS version that loads on my server when the role is enabled is WSUS 6.3.9600.

I have seen instructions that say the SSL certificate should contain a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) that matches the friendly name of the host (i.e. not FQDN), but that isn't possible now-a-days with InCommon certificates.
