

From the SANS Newsbites Digest:

DRUPAL TEAM WARNS USERS TO ASSUME SITES ARE COMPROMISED (OCTOBER 29 & 30, 2014)  The  Drupal security team says that users should assume that all Drupal 7  websites have been compromised unless they were patched within seven  hours of the October 15, 11pm UTC announcement of a vulnerability that  could be exploited through an SQL injection attack. Automated attacks  were launched within hours of the flaw's disclosure. While updating to  the most recent version, 7.32, does fix the vulnerability, websites that  were compromised prior to the update will remain compromised. The team  recommends that sites be restored with backups created before October  15. 





[Editor's  Note (Ullrich): Please don't underestimate this Drupal vulnerability.  We received multiple reports of compromises that took advantage of this  vulnerability. For the most part, the attacks were pretty simple and it  should be easy to spot an affected system. Many of the compromised  systems are being used as DDoS bots. As usual, start by getting a good  inventory of Drupal sites either passively by observing traffic, or by  using standard vulnerability scanning tools. ]