Hello MSU Network Admin Group, I would not normally bother all of us with an email like this, but due to the problems being caused by the Cryptolocker virus I thought it was necessary to send this message. The best, if not only way, to protect an individual user's computer from this virus appears to be an active and effective computer backup system. I have been searching for a good quality inexpensive backup solution and the Symantec System Restore (and backup) software is the best I have found. The Symantec System Restore (and backup) software is available from the MSU computer store with a campus site license for all campus computers. Symantec bought out the Backup Exec companies backup software (which has been one of the best backup software packages for several years) and has repackaged and included their standalone backup software as part of the Symantec Endpoint Protection Suite 4.0 software package. The MSU computer store is selling the license for the Symantec Endpoint Protection Suite 4.0 software for $9.50 per computer under the heading of MSU cstore, Software, Symantec software, Symantec Ghost and Antivirus software - Departmental Use, Symantec Protection Suite, Campus site license for Symantec Software Suite (includes endpoint protection) , cstore stock # SPSDEPT-2016 price $9.50. In order to install this sofware you need to purchase one of the Media sets (Set of Install DVDs). Make sure to request the Media set for the Symantec Protection Suite 4.0.cstore Stock #: SPS-MEDIA for $10.00 (not the cheaper Symantec Endpoint protection 12.1.2 Stock #: SEP-MEDIA which only includes the antivirus and firewall software for $5.00) The Symantec Protection Suite 4.0 media set includes 4 disks. The Backup and Restore software is on the Disk labeled "Mail Security for MSE 6 and System Recovery 9.0.1". On this disk is a file called "Sym_System_Recovery_2011_10.0.0.39952_Multilingual_Product.zip", Unzip this file to your local computer and then run the setup.exe file which will be located in the "Install" subdirectory in the directory location where you unzipped the file. The software should install correctly, but when you try to run the software it will ask for a license key. If you have not received the Site license key for the Symantec System Recovery software when you purchased the Licenses from the Computer Store then call or email Rachel Zakhem our MSU Site license Coordinator. She has the correct License key to enable all of the campus copies of this software. Rachel Zakhem Michigan State University IT Services Site License Coordinator, MSU Computer Store (517) 432-5367 cstore.msu.edu <http://cstore.msu.edu> Thanks for your help and suggestions on previous problems Cliff -- 1. Clifford L. Beckett Electronic System Designer office: 517-355-4659 Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratories cell: 517-449-8226 East Fee Hall mail: [log in to unmask] 965 Fee Road, Room A411 fax: 517-353-0789 Michigan State University web: www.obl.msu.edu East Lansing MI, 48824 I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe he was and is the Jewish Messiah, the one and only way to be made right with God. My goal is to be an example of God's love to everyone.