

Is there a website somewhere that shows exactly what versions of IE, Adobe, and any other software that is officially compatible with EBS and what settings need to be enabled/disabled in order for it to work?  I recently just installed 4 new Dell Optiplex 9010s running Windows 7 Pro x64 with IE9 and Adobe Reader 10 (with the latest updates for version 10) as I was told that’s what users need to have installed.  I was also told the following settings need to be set in order for things to work:


IE9 (because evidently 10 is not supported)

                -Popup blocker must be disabled

                -Adobe Reader must be the default handler for PDFs

                -Compatibility view should be enabled

                -Zoom must be at 100%


Adobe Reader 10 (because evidently 11 is not supported)

                -Disable “Enable protected mode at startup”

                -“Display PDF in browser” should be enabled


Am I missing something here?  I have set those settings on all of the computers and there are problems with EBS in some way on all of the computers.  One of the computers I cannot “generate a pdf form” for a travel reimbursement coversheet.  One of the other computers trying to bring up the cost redistribution form does nothing.  SAPGUI launches and then nothing happens in the browser.  There are more problems but those are some examples. 


Does anyone have any advice as to exactly how I need to setup Adobe Reader and IE in order to get these things to work properly?  Again, these are all brand new installs of Windows 7 Pro x64 and they’re using IE9 (x86) and Adobe Reader 10.


