



On 3/13/2013 11:28 AM, Gary Schrock wrote:
> Anyone try installing Win 8 from a volume license yet?  As you'll
> recall from Win 7, you have to go in and change the product key after
> install.  Well, you do the same thing in Win 8.  The catch?  The link
> for changing the product key doesn't appear if windows isn't
> activated.  Here's what I found from MS on how to do this:
> To change the product key without first activating Windows, use one of
> the following methods:
> Method 1
> Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search. Or,
> if you are using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the
> screen, and then click Search.
> In the search box, type Slui.exe 0x3.
> Tap or click the Slui.exe 0x3 icon.
> Type your product key in the Windows Activation window, and then click Activate.
> Method 2
> Run the following command at an elevated command prompt:
> Cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk <Your product key>
> Note You can also use the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) 3.0
> to change the product key remotely, or if you want to change the
> product key on multiple computers.
> ----
> The words I want to use to describe this aren't fit for polite
> company, so I'll exclude them from this email :).
> Gary

Oscar Castaņeda
Remote Sensing & GIS
Michigan State University