On 2/11/13 3:43 PM, Richard Wiggins wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
Leo, I would be glad to see you in court on that.  It is not merely my email address.  It is my MSU NetID.  It is how I am identified to MSU systems.  You are not the first to confuse one's identity with one's mail address -  and your record is not very good in such matters.
Just to be absolutely clear - an MSU NetID is permanently assigned to an individual and as a credential never "expires". However, what services or privileges are available to a given NetID may vary according to enrollment or employment status, etc.  That might include access to online employment systems, an enrollment system, etc., as well as email and such.

What is expiring in the instant matter is the access of ineligible NetID holders to MSU email or AFS accounts. 


Leo Sell
IT Services
Technology and Network Support (formerly ATS Help Desk)