

When users have issues like that, the controller probably needs to be 
restarted. Best to report the problem to us so we can have Wireless take 
a look.  /L

On 9/20/12 12:46 PM, Tim Heckaman wrote:
> Is anyone else having issues with users not getting redirected to the 
> agreement page for the wireless. I have a few laptops here that use 
> the Guest to access the network, and I have a few that use the 
> non-guest. If the machine is registered it can get on the internet. If 
> the machine is not registered it can connect with either wireless but 
> they are not getting redirected to the agreement page so they can't 
> get on the internet. I don't see anything in the network statistics 
> that says anything is wrong.

Leo Sell
IT Services
Technology and Network Support (formerly ATS Help Desk)