


I'd recommend getting a copy of the bounce message -- have them send it to
your Hotmail/Gmail, etc. Error codes in the message may indicate the
problem.  There are also sites that maintain info on email blacklists for
organizations that don't follow best practices for newsletters/advertising,
have their server set as an open relay, etc. 

I used to run into this a lot dealing with an internal exchange server and
outside clients -- 95% of the time it was an issue on the user's end such as
sending large attachments, blacklisted organization due to bad practices on
marketing/advertising via email, typos on email addresses, Outlook issues,
etc, and 5% of the time an issue with the company that managed our spam


Shaun Leininger, CCNA
Information Technology Professional
Department of Anthropology

-----Original Message-----
From: Oscar Castaneda [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 10:02 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] blocked IPs?

I have a customer that claims that her emails to our staff (with
and addresses are bounced.
She used to be able to email us all the time until about one week ago.
Everybody else can email us fine. We have a decent traffic of email on daily

I am pretty convinced that the problem is particular to them. 
Nonetheless, I would like to have something more tangible to show them. 
I was wondering if I could find if they are being blocked from MSU. I
remember in the past reading somewhere of IPs or blocks of IPs that would be
blocked from MSU for security reasons. Is there a way of knowing what gets
blocked from

Oscar Castaņeda
Remote Sensing & GIS
Michigan State University