

Quoting Oscar Castaneda <[log in to unmask]>:

> I have a customer that claims that her emails to our staff (with  
> and addresses are bounced.
> She used to be able to email us all the time until about one week ago.
> Everybody else can email us fine. We have a decent traffic of email  
> on daily basis.
> I am pretty convinced that the problem is particular to them.  
> Nonetheless, I would like to have something more tangible to show  
> them. I was wondering if I could find if they are being blocked from  
> MSU. I remember in the past reading somewhere of IPs or blocks of  
> IPs that would be blocked from MSU for security reasons. Is there a  
> way of knowing what gets blocked from

Assuming this is just email trying to get through:

Short answer is "No, you can't find out who is being blocked."

Long answer is "maybe, but you need some information from the user to  
determine how they were blocked."

There are lots of ways a user could be blocked:

1. Spamassassin could block them *if* their message has spam like  
2. Clam AV could block them if their message contains a virus *OR* has  
some content that has a known phish contact or link.  This includes  
Google's blocking of sites infected with malware (i.e. if their site  
is being blocked by Google malware blocks, and their email contains  
one of those links, their email is rejected.)
3. We're blocking a known email address that was known to be sending  
out a phishing attempt.

Without the message rejection content, it's really difficult to say  
with any certainty.  The best way to have this resolved is to contact  
the IT Services Help Desk at 432.6200 and have a case filed on the  
user's behalf, or have them do it.


Joe Besko                      Phone:        517.432.5335
Systems Programmer             Fax:          517.353.9847
Michigan State University      E-mail:       jbesko(a)
450 Auditorium Road
313 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042