All, I thought some of you might be interested in this event so I hope you don't mind me forwarding this on. They'll be focusing on defensive measures, intrusion detection and forensics in particular with BackTrack and Wireshark tools in a lab environment Cost is $40 with breakfast and lunch included. I'd be there except I'll be out of town for a conference that weekend. :( -- Troy Murray Michigan State University College of Medicine Life Science 1355 Bogue St, B-136D East Lansing, MI 48824 E: [log in to unmask] P: 517-432-2760 F: 517-355-7254 RedHat 5 Certified Technician RedHat 5 Certified Systems Administrator HL7 V2.6/2.5 Certified Control Specialist Begin forwarded message: > From: Jimmy L Butt Jr <[log in to unmask]> > Subject: Third Annual I.S.S.A. "Netwars Challenge" Event coming soon! > Date: April 27, 2012 1:52:58 PM EDT > To: undisclosed recipients: ; > Reply-To: Jimmy L Butt Jr <[log in to unmask]> > > Dear Members and Friends of the Lansing I.S.S.A., > > Our third annual Netwars Challenge is fast approaching! It will be held on Saturday, May 19 at the New Horizons training center in East Lansing (see attached flier). Many have already asked about this event. We anticipate that it will be even more successful than our previous adventures! > > Why? This year Netwars takes a different tack; defensive measures and intrusion detection & forensics will be stressed. This is mostly a hands-on and demonstrative, lab-like event that will give you detailed information on defensive tools and strengthen your abilities to use these tools effectively. In particular, BackTrack and Wireshark will be studied and used. > > There will be TWO tracks of Netwars competition offered: Beginner and Intermediate/advanced. And nice, nice technology prizes will be awarded to winners! Presentations on detection tools and defensive use of network monitoring will be given too, as a third track. We ask that you indicate the track in which you wish to participate -- pick one of these three -- by sending me an email. (You may want to simply reply to this message.) This will give our event planners the information they need so that your wish can be accommodated effectively. > > There will be four persons conducting the lab sessions and making presentations, one of which is our own, very knowledgeable Sean Verity! The others are senior level incident & network analysts with instructional experience, from GE-CERT, General Electric. > > Pastries and coffee will be served early, during a pre-event 'mix' time. Lunch will be provided also, included with your Netwars package. > > You may register/prepay for this event by going to our chapter's web site ( Click below "Netwars is here!" and then click the "Pay Now" button. You can pay via PayPal -or- you can select "Don't have a PayPal Account?" to pay by credit card. > > PLEASE share this message with your security colleagues! I'm sure they will be interested too because Netwars is a great opportunity to learn, grow, and mix! > > > Sincerely, > > Jimmy Butt, CISSP, Chapter Secretary > Lansing Information Systems Security Association > [log in to unmask] > > > (attachment) > > >