We are trying to get some people together to attend a PowerShell V2 course at
the New Horizons of East Lansing if anyone is interested. Information about the
course is below along with sign up information. Should be a great course. Look
forwarding to seeing anyone interested there.
New Horizons of East Lansing is going to be running course 50414 – Microsoft
Windows PowerShell v2 for Administrators in June:
50414 – Microsoft Windows PowerShell v2 for Administrators (4-day course)
Course Outline: http://www.nhgreatlakes.com/Search/outlineb.aspx?
Class Dates: 6/25 – 6/28
Time: 9am – 5pm EST
Location: East Lansing
Cost: $1,200.00
You can attend this class in-person in East Lansing or attend virtually from
your office.
If you would like to enroll you can contact Michelle Carlson at LC & T at
[log in to unmask], 517-432-5936 or contact Erik Jacobsen
[log in to unmask], 517-318-4016 at New Horizons if you have
any questions.
Nathan Moore
Michigan State University
Division Support Services
Physical Plant
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