

Anyone out there using Shrew vpn software?  And specifically, anyone
using it on a Mac?

We've run into an odd situation that for the life of me I can't come
up with an explanation for.  We've set this software up to connect to
our Juniper firewall, and have built a config file that works properly
for most cases.  Specifically, we're fine on windows for both wired
and wireless, and it works on a Mac for wireless *only* when on
campus.  I can take that same mac home, plug it in via a wired
connection into my router at home and it works fine.

So, the obvious question would be, what on earth is different for that
wired connection here on campus - and only for a Mac?  I've tried
using dhcp addresses and static ip's, neither work.  From looking at
the firewall, we get an initial connection, and it goes through the
xauth stuff, but the link drops shortly after this.  We've tried three
different macs, and every one of them behaves exactly the same.

Any thoughts?
