

You actually have a few options. There is a very brief summary here:

Basically the main ones to use on campus are Sentinel (a homegrown 
application, but used in a variety of MSU web apps) and the other one is 
Shibboleth which is based on open standards and you can learn more about 

As Mel pointed out there is also a way to limit it to specific NetIDs 
via AFS space:

And if you are using Apache as your HTTPd there's a module called 
mod_auth_kerb: which you can use to 
point at our Kerberos Realm. I believe this method utilized HTTP_AUTH 
though, so if you want someone to login through a webpage and not a 
popup you might want to avoid this choice. However, you can also use 
this to limit access to a particular set of NetIDs if you so desired, as 

Good luck!

P.S. - after a small bit of searching Google, but not much further 
research, I may be wrong on the "homegrown" status of Sentinel.

On 1/30/2012 11:55 AM, Tim Heckaman wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was hoping someone might know if it is possible for me to set up a 
> website that uses the MSUNet ID authenticator. I'd like users to have 
> to log in to the site to access it but I would only like it to be the 
> MSU community.  Is this possible?
> Thanks in advance.