

At 12:00 PM 12/20/2011, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
Just wondering if there are any casual computer or techy type clubs in the greater Lansing area, that are not professional groups, or focused on a particular topic? I’m seeking a place where gadget geeks of all stripes could get together in a non-work related setting to show off their latest device, or present a demo of that cool new piece of software. Many towns have such a club, but if there is one around here, I have yet to find it.

This is not as "generalized" as you want but I recently found a couple of WordPress groups through -- one in Kalamazoo and one in Grand Rapids.   I've joined the Kalamazoo one and have found it to be very worthwhile.    Meetup might be a way for local gadget geeks to get together, too.

John Gorentz