

I have a web application that is mash up of a few components coming from 
three web servers, all of them here in my shop in Manly Miles. Two of 
those web servers are running Windows 2003 and IIS. The third one runs 
Windows 2008 and IIS. The apps had been running for a while, I wasn't 
aware of any issues.

Recently I had some people from our group going to China. They wanted to 
demo the application. It turns out that everything coming from the 2008 
server does not show up in the browser in China.

One of those days last week, I was seating in the phone with my 
colleague (he in China, me at Manly Miles). I could see and browse the 
content that comes from the 2008 server. He could not, at the same time.

Seems to be a really bizarre behavior.

Of course, as a first matter I will look into my applications and see if 
I did something wrong. However other questions come to my mind and this 
is where I most would appreciate comments:
1. Any previous experience of content being blocked from China?
2. Any experience on this type of differences in between 2003 and 2008?
3. Are there any security settings on 2008 that might explain this behavior?

Oscar Castaņeda
Global Observatory for Ecosystem Services
Michigan State University