

Comments sprinkled below.

On 7/21/11 9:59 AM, Gary Schrock wrote:
> Ok, I've been getting several questions from my users about this, and 
> I just want to make sure that what I'm passing on to them is correct.  
> As far as I can tell from reading what was mailed out, as long as 
> people are not using their msu email address to log into their current 
> google account, they should be ok.  Any idea if that's correct?  I 
> know my average users are finding it particularly difficult to 
> interpret what was sent out, and quite frankly, I've read the document 
> several times and *I'm* not positive I've got it figured out.

You're close enough. If their Google sign-in is [log in to unmask] they are 
likely to have a "conflicting account". If not, there's not much issue.
  If your users received a notification in advance, Google identified 
that they have a conflicting account, whether it's something they 
commonly use or not.  At this point the easiest way to handle it is to 
point users with questions about how to identify and handle a 
conflicting account is to send them to this article  (Note the "Advance" 
sections will be removed as soon as the transition has completed).

In short, after the transition is complete, anyone who attempts to sign 
in to a personal Google account that is conflicting will see a page that 
lets them know that " "An update to your account is required".  
Proceeding from that point is pretty straightforward.

> Also, any idea when information about this was first sent out?  The 
> first I heard about it was 3 days ago, but I don't think I remember 
> having seen anything sent to me about it, so I don't know if it 
> started before that.  3 days in the middle of the summer seems a 
> little on the short side to me.

Well, ATS received hard and fast notice of this transition only mid-last 
week. The service sponsors and the help desk have scrambled a  get 
pertinent information out to the community - particularly those who were 
identified as having a conflicting account(s).

We were given the choice of scheduling the transition ourselves or 
having it "automatically" run by Google a few days from now.  We wanted 
to retain control over all of the aspects of the transition we could, 
and proceeded with as quick and orderly a process as possible.  (I 
personally think the infrastructure change is more about Google+ than 
anything else....FWIW).

BTW, there is no harm and no data loss that occurs for users and if they 
simply wait until they actually run into the "conflict", that's fine.

Also, the related FAQ  has 
had a fair bit of updating over the course of this week.

Leo Sell
MSU ATS Help Desk
"I answer that no country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. Demoralization caused by vast unemployment is our greatest extravagance. Morally, it is the greatest menace to our social order." FDR