I was out yesterday. Brian asked me to address answers to the list. See below.

On 7/28/11 3:00 PM, Brian Hoort wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
The one I have an immediate business need to answer is 3.  The rest are just
me wondering how this interoperates.

1.	I have a "personal" Gmail account which I don't want to associate
with MSU in any way. When I log into googleapps.msu.edu I am told "you are
already logged in as [personal Gmail], would you like to log into MSU Google
Apps with this account?"  I always say No, and log in as my Netid in order
to keep these separate.
It might give the impression that you could go on to log in to googleapps.msu.edu with that personal account credential, but in reality you cannot do so.

[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
	1a.	What would happen if I logged into googleapps.msu.edu with
my personal account once by accident? Would it forever associate that
account with MSU?  Would it blend my personal docs with my work docs?  Is
this undoable?
Can't be done. Therefore, it is not an issue.
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
	1b. 	Would this legally associate my personal matters with MSU?
For example, if I were FoIA'd at work, would I have to turn over my personal
email account/calendar/docs?
	1c.	What other consequences of this am I not thinking of?
Speaking from my previous role in representation - your personal email/account/calendar/docs would not be subject to FOIA.  Might be some slight legal exposure for any from the personal account that you shared to the institutional  (googleapps.msu.edu) account. But that exposure would cease upon disallowing the sharing. 
That aside, I'm not certain what sharing is and isn't allowed at this point from/to your personal vs. institutional accounts.

[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
2.	Do Community IDs get Google Apps accounts?
No, As stated in TB13275: it is limited to our faculty, students and staff.
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
3.	Can someone without a NetID or Community ID of any kind (no ID at
MSU) collaborate with MSU employees through MSU Google Apps by just creating
(or using an existing) Google ID?

I just shared a doc from my personal Google account to my institutional account and it worked ok. I think sharing FROM the googleapps account TO non-MSU Google account user is disallowed at this point under the new infrastructure. I may be mistaken and that might be something our Admins can control. But my recollection at the moment.