According to this article from MSDN. Yes you can use that method.
From: Ehren Benson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:27 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] mssql detatch
I want to detach a MSSQL 2000 database and then attach it to a 2008R2 server on a DIFFERENT box. (I’ve read that it will automatically upgrade the database when you do this). If I detatch it from the source box, copy the files to the
new box and attach the copy is it possible to then re-attach the original to the original server as well?
Basically I want to move this database to a new server but have it online to test for a few days before it goes live, but I want the original to still be available in the meantime.
I’m not a big database guy so I’m tryin to figure this out ;)
Ehren J. Benson, MCSE
Windows Systems Administrator
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michigan State University
1209 A Biomed Phys Sci