Contact AIS, we were able to get a wildcard certificate from them without having to jump through any of those hoops, and it's a Comodo certificate to boot.


On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Laurence Bates <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

For the last six years the College of Education has had a wildcard SSL certificate from but for the renewal they are asking for a copy of my boss’s driver’s license plus a letter on MSU stationary stating that MSU authorizes me to be the SSL certificate holder for * 


Letterhead’s, signatures and copies of my boss’s driver’s license seem so 19th century for an SSL CA.  What are other people using for their wildcard SSL certificates and what hoops does the CA require you to lump through to verify who you are?


Laurence Bates.


Troy Murray