

Contact AIS, we were able to get a wildcard certificate from them without
having to jump through any of those hoops, and it's a Comodo certificate to


On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Laurence Bates <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>  For the last six years the College of Education has had a wildcard SSL
> certificate from but for the renewal they are asking for a copy
> of my boss’s driver’s license plus a letter on MSU stationary stating that
> MSU authorizes me to be the SSL certificate holder for *
> Letterhead’s, signatures and copies of my boss’s driver’s license seem so
> 19th century for an SSL CA.  What are other people using for their
> wildcard SSL certificates and what hoops does the CA require you to lump
> through to verify who you are?
> Laurence Bates.

Troy Murray