

We have 3 hosts at 32GB RAM also.  Agreed the price gap is just a bit
too much going to that next level, but it's dropping slowly.  We just
got a Dell R800 (?I think that was the model) and when pricing the 64GB
RAM it was actually almost an affordable and cost-effective option, but
I don't remember if that was still cramming it full of 4GB chips or if
it stepped up to 8GB chips.

On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 20:07 +0000, Ehren Benson wrote:
> I am seeing huge memory price increases as you scale up in amount
> (4gb dell dimms are about $42/gb whereas 8gb dell dimms are $120/gb).
> So I am just currious how much memory you use in your virtual hosts
> and how many hosts you have?
> Right now we have 2 with 32gb each, at the rate of the price slope, I
> could almost add a whole new node to the cluster w/32gb for around 8K
> (or 2 nodes w/32gb for 16K) rather than upgrading both existing nodes
> to 64gb for 14K.
> Yikes!
> Ehren J. Benson, MCSE
> Windows Systems Administrator
> Department of Physics and Astronomy
> Michigan State University
> 1209 A Biomed Phys Sci
> [log in to unmask]
> 517-884-5469