Here's a distraction for you:


An Apple employee supposedly left a new iPhone prototype in a Redwood City bar, which was found and sold to who then reviewed and unveiled Apple latest jewel before "Master of Apple" Jobs.  Apple has no comment, but police have now raided the Gizmodo bloggers home confiscating his computer, etc.  In the days of the 'balloon boy' stunt, who knows if this is real or just Apple's way to drum up free publicity.


If you're curious, the review is still up at Gizmodo:


The bloggers supposedly have returned the phone, but have little else to say:


The news folks claim the investigation is now a felony.  Sounds "somebody" influential (can we say Jobs) is pushing this along.           


If it's real, it will interesting how journalistic freedom of speech applies to the internet and blogging.


 ~ Esther