After talking with the guy who actually handles purchasing for our College, he gave me the following contact information that he uses to get quotes when purchasing additional agents or services from Commvault:
Vaughn McCutcheon
Sales Representative
630-787-4363| Direct
630-254-7017 | Mobile

>>> On 4/14/2010 at 10:41 AM, Steve Bogdanski <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
They don't do pricing per GB, but rather by how many Media Agents (actually talk to backup devices) and iDataAgents (backup target, like filesystem, sql, email, etc) you use.  I can't remember if it's Computer Store or MSU Purchasing, but one of them should know the details of the contract MSU has with Commvault and be able to get you a price list. 
Also, I should add that their support is pretty good and we've never had trouble with getting any issues resolved.