

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 01:27:33PM -0400, Esther V. V. Reed wrote:

> Here's a distraction for you:

This was all over the news last week.   The last I knew people
were still arguing whether it was a planned stunt or a real mistake.


> An Apple employee supposedly left a new iPhone prototype in a Redwood
> City bar, which was found and sold to who then reviewed and
> unveiled Apple latest jewel before "Master of Apple" Jobs.  Apple has no
> comment, but police have now raided the Gizmodo bloggers home
> confiscating his computer, etc.  In the days of the 'balloon boy' stunt,
> who knows if this is real or just Apple's way to drum up free publicity.
> If you're curious, the review is still up at Gizmodo:
> The bloggers supposedly have returned the phone, but have little else to
> say:
> =i 
> The news folks claim the investigation is now a felony.  Sounds
> "somebody" influential (can we say Jobs) is pushing this along.  
> gadgets/            
> If it's real, it will interesting how journalistic freedom of speech
> applies to the internet and blogging.
>  ~ Esther