

Thanks to all the responses i got about Contribute yesterday!  wasn't expecting that many!

I have something, more on a personal note than work related...

I'm setting up a box at home for doing some email stuff.  I've got PostFix installed and configured for virtual directories / domains / users using MySQL.  That's all working wonderfully.

However, now it's time to set up the pop3 and imap interface.  I've not found a GOOD set of help documents online anywhere for Courier.  I was wondering if anyone out there might have some help files or places i might be able to find them online.  (For once, i think i've stumped google...  nothing i've found pertains to what i'm doing.)  I specifically need to get it set up to use the MySQL stuff i'm using for the virtual directories.

Thanks for any info anyone might be able to give me!


-dak aldrich
-network admin
-college of music, msu
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