

On Sep 9, 2009, at 10:17 AM, Troy Murray wrote:

> Question:  Does the solution you mention allow the currently  
> enormous iTunes
> user base to easy find the content, manage it and download it to their
> iPods?

It does, if you publish the RSS feed, which you can just as easily do  
in something like ANGEL, or via e-mail (you can make an itpc:// link  
to the content which you're serving from anywhere which will open up  
and subscribe you to a podcast).  iTunesU is yet another window to the  
same data, served elsewhere.

If we were approaching this like MIT, with an open courseware  
initiative, I could see how making things publicly searchable might be  
more useful.  Most of the use cases I've heard from our faculty are  
more closely related to the desire to have authenticated media, or a  
"class page" just for their students (not open to the public).


Matt Kolb  <[log in to unmask]>
Assistant Director
Academic Technology Services
Michigan State University