

Completely unrelated note about the Novell Client, if the user always uses the "Workstation Only" option when logging into the machine then you can just set the Novell Client to not come up at all.  The setting is in the Novell Client Properties under the "Advanced Login" tab, titled "Initial Novell Login".

Like I said, completely unrelated but maybe useful.

Stephen Bogdanski           
Network Support
College of Veterinary Medicine
Michigan State University

>>> Scott Foreman <[log in to unmask]> 4/28/2009 9:39 AM >>>
I have a new user in another area who uses the Novell Client to access our network. She logs in "Workstation Only" then uses the client when necessary. The first time she tried to change her Windows Domain password (CTRL+ALT+DEL \ Change Password button) it gives her a "does not meet complexity policy"  error for the Windows domain. I know the pw is VERY complex. Anyone else seen this? 
