

Perhaps I have been misinformed. If so, could someone please correct my understanding.

My understanding is that DNS servers caches responses from authoritative DNS servers for approximately two days. If this is so then users external to the university who's DNS servers have cached the old IP address will be sent to the old IP address for up to two days after this change. If you plan on immediately dropping the old IP address, as it appears in this message that you are doing, then for up to two days would cease to exist for these users for that period of time. Somehow I do not find this to be acceptable. As I am not intimately familiar with load balancers could someone please help me understand how this process could be mitigated?

Thank you very much!

|            Michael Surato                 |
|      College of Arts and Letters          |
|      Michigan State University            |
|            320 Linton Hall                |
|        East Lansing, MI 48824             |
| Voice: (517) 353-0778 Fax: (517) 355-0159 |

>>> On 4/23/2009 at 4:32 PM, MSU ATS Help Desk <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Service: MAIL.MSU.EDU 
> Type: Scheduled Maintenance 
> Title: Load Balancer Upgraded - 
> Status: Open 
> Approximate Start Time: 5/13/2009 6:00:00 AM 
> Approximate End Time: 5/13/2009 7:45:00 AM 
> Comments: will be moved behind a new load balancer and will have
> a new IP address after this change. To reach users may need to
> reboot their PC, and clear their DNS cache. 
> ***********
> Status updates on this and other campus technology services can be found at 
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