I have a co worker that has recently received a mail with the information shown below. When he sent this to the postmaster it got sent back saying there is a virus in the message: From: Michigan State University <[log in to unmask]> Reply-To: [log in to unmask] To: undisclosed-recipients:; X-ASG-Orig-Subj: Confirm your Michigan State University Webmail account to aviod Closure Subject: Confirm your Michigan State University Webmail account to aviod Closure Here is the message: Subject: Confirm your Michigan State University Webmail account to aviodClosure DEAR Michigan State University webmail holders This is a message from the Michigan State University WEBMAIL ACCOUNT Message Center for Communication to all of our Michigan State University Webmail owners. We are currently working on our database e-mail In users.We are delecting all old unused E-mail Michigan State University Webmail Account, for more space for new users. To prevent your account not be delected our database you are advised to confirm your Michigan State University webmail account immediately. Submit your account information below Website .................... Username :........................... Password ............................ Date of Birth: ...................... Country or territory: ............... Warning! E-mail owners who refuse to submit E-mail account details, within seven days from this date of receipt will loses his/her Webmail account permanetly. Thank you, Michigan State University Webmail Team Please Submit Your e-mail account information to this E-mail: ([log in to unmask]) Confirm your Michigan State University Webmail account to aviod Closure Timoteo "Timo" Vasquez - AIS Departmental Systems and Services [log in to unmask] - 353.4420 Ext.249 Michigan State University 2 Administration Building East Lansing, MI 48824-1046