

Please be aware that there is a current virus impacting PCs.  In particular
those running something other than Vista.

Here is the short summary -
I have alerted ATS as well to the situation.

What is the virus doing:
Exploits vulnerability in an old Microsoft patch
Creating and ³auto run² file on USB divices as well as attempting to change
the password on your computer.
If successful, it will change your login password and spread to any
³connected device on the network² - shared drives, USB devices (any) etc.
Re-infection can and will occur, if you donıt address your computer and any
type of USB device.

Who is impacted:
Windows based machines running:
Highest risk
* XP 
* 2000 
* Windows Server 2003
* any USB based device (it hides in the hidden trash can and ³auto run²
Medium risk
* Vista as well, however not as significant

Generally you will be ³safer² if your machine has all of  the current

Signs that you are infected:
* Canıt log into computer ­ password doesnıt work
* Auto updates are disabled
* Computer runs slow, specifically with Internet and Network activities
* Various security related websites cannot be accessed

Action to take:
Disable network connectivity ­ both lan and wireless
Use ³clean machine² unix or Mac OS to download patches to ³clean² (never
been used before at all) USB device or CD
Download the various files and follow the directions from Microsoft or other
security sites
Follow the directions to address the patch.

At the RCAH, I will be opening up our lab to assist students and others in
applying these patches to the machines, so that we can minimize the spread
of the virus.

I can be reached via the phone at the number listed below, it will forward
to the lab, which is located in the Terrace level of Snyder room E037.


Jeanne G. Carey, PMP
Michigan State University
Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (RCAH)
C210B Snyder
East Lansing, MI 48825

Phone   +517-884-6001
Fax:    +517-884-1244
E-mail: [log in to unmask]