

This is not an exact science but I would say take the hard drive out  
and drop it from about a foot high on a hard surface. This usually  
work if the heads that read the hard is stuck somehow.  The idea is  
that by dropping it, they can become unstuck.
I have tried this techniques successfully in the past.

Good luck


On Jan 13, 2009, at 10:21 PM, "Richard Wiggins" <[log in to unmask] 
 > wrote:

> My wife's home computer, a very kewl as of 2001 Gateway desktop-and- 
> monitor PC, died today.  The hard drive is able to begin to boot  
> Windows XP -- you see the logo -- so that implies that some data is  
> loading from the disk.  However you hear lots of seeking noises, and  
> ultimately no finding.
> We probably don't have much data to salvage on it.  I find that in a  
> cloud computing world, I've Gmailed just about anything of  
> importance to her or to whaterver person I'm working with.
> Still, I would like to take one last look at the hard drive. So my  
> question is, and I'm not kidding -- how hard do I hit it?  Do I pick  
> up the unit and drop it?  Do I take a rubber mallet to it?  Do I  
> gently tap it as it tries to boot?
> Reminds me of a wisecrack circa 1979 -- on a clear disk, you can  
> seek forever.
> Thanks,
> /rich