

It looks as though you are seeing this message because you use Eudora. Some
other programs, such as Webmail itself and Microsoft Outlook, don't display
message headers by default so those users won't even be aware of it.  In
Eudora, you can suppress the display of any and all headers, which is what I
would do with this new header (X-Spam-Report) if I were still using Eudora.

On the other hand, I agree that the message itself is totally incorrect. I
think it's quite clear that the mail system has in fact NOT determined that
the message is possible spam. The mail team shouldn't be making excuses for
the wording of this header, but should fix it. 

-----Original Message-----
From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of David McFarlane
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 3:24 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MSUNAG] "Possible spam" messages


>Beginning today, we turned spam processing on for all incoming email. 
>That is to say all email that passes through our MX boxes.
>This it touched upon in our FAQ for the new here: 
>What you are seeing is merely a "Spam Report" As I said, every single 
>solitary message that goes through will get processed 
>for it, regardless of if it is spam or not. If it is spam... it will be 
>marked as such ***** SPAM *****
>We feel the "Spam Report" is a useful tool when it comes time for 

Thanks.  So, from now on "every single solitary message" will be labelled as
"possible spam", regardless of its spam score?  And I will have to scroll
past the lengthy boilerplate of the uninformative "Spam Report" before I can
read any of my actual messages?  And I and other users will learn to just
ignore the "Spam Report" because of all the false positives?

-- dkm