

I had a few direct responses to this. The be$t value was a note from  
the Computer Store that the $996 price was incorrect. It has been  
changed and is now $833.  So you save about $30 per copy if you can  
use the five pack.

Clifford speculates that it can be used concurrently from a server,  
which I'm not sure about. For the light usage here and hassle of  
metering it, I don't think I would bother.

Thanks for your replies!

On Nov 19, 2008, at 11:00 AM, Clifford Beckett wrote:

> I think the 5 pack license can be loaded on a server and shared??
> -- 
> Clifford L. Beckett		office: 517-355-4659
> Electronic System Designer        cell: 517-449-8226
> A411 E. Fee                        fax: 517-353-0789
> OMM Department                   email: [log in to unmask]
> Michigan State University          web:
> East Lansing MI, 48824
> John Valenti wrote:
>> I've had two faculty requests for Endnote today....
>> I'm just curious about the advantages of the license five pack?   
>> That costs $996 versus $970 for five single copies.  Am I missing  
>> some advantage of the five pack here?
>> thanks
>> -John