


Here is the initial policy we have come up with.  We are constantly finding
new items to be added.  One thing we do here in Music is, we have a
Technology committee to discuss and make the policies.

The committee consists of our Associate Dean, Budget Officer, Recording
Services person, myself, and 3 faculty members.  The committee is chaired by
a tenured faculty member.  This way, we can tell all faculty that everything
is done with their peers.  Their peers are involved in determining
appropriate policies, handling complaints and objections, as well as
reviewing upgrade and TLE requests.

If you have any other questions on how we do things, which have worked very
well so far here, let me know!

The policies are in the Documents and References section of our IT web site.


On 10/14/08 4:14 PM, "Michael Surato" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi,
> As part of a larger process, I have been tasked with getting an idea what
> other units on campus have for internal IT policies. If your unit has some
> formal IT policies, could you please contact me?
> Additionally, if there are any policies that have been attempted, but not
> successful it may also help with the project I am working on.
> Thank you very much for any assistance that anyone can provide!

Dak Aldrich
Network Administrator
College of Music, MSU
[log in to unmask]
(517) 432-5045 