

You might think about using syslog-ng instead.
However you may get the desired effect by moding on the host prior to
sending to the loghost using something like:

*.* ifdef('LOGHOST', /var/log/hostname, @remote)


On 10/10/08 1:53 PM, "Michael Loomis" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I'm very excited to use MSUNAG for a tech post, for the first time.
> I am building a central loghost.  It is successfully receiving logs from
> remote hosts.  Now, I want to siphon those logs off to a separate file like
> "/var/log/hostname.log", instead of dumping all remote logs into the local
> messages file.  I know that in FreeBSD, you can specify an block of actions
> for a remote log in the syslog.conf file, by using the "+" sign.  However,
> that does not work in OpenBSD.  Does anyone have experience with this?  OR
> have a sample syslog.conf line they could share?  OR some other workaround?
> Thanks,
> Michael Loomis
> Network Security, ATS