

Ehren Benson wrote:
> I wish I had time to attend those however I was not able to.
> Sorry for so long but I encourage the read to see if anyone else feels 
> this way....
> Which leads me to my next point... I have heard from several reliable 
> sources that our chairpersons mother is a higher up at the MEA 
> (conflict of interest if you ask me) and given that he is headed down 
> the lawyership path would aspire to be a MEA Lawyer someday.  Take 
> this with a grain of salt because this is my opinion but thinking this 
> really makes me wonder if our chairperson is even going to be ABLE to 
> see what is best for the membership of APA, or what is best for HIM. 
>  Because clearly disaffiliating with MEA would not be best for him (my 
> opinion again), but in the long run may be in the best interest of the 
> APA as a whole.
I'm sorry, conflict of interest?  I take umbrage!

This isn't a freaking lawsuit where the judge is the mother/father of 
the defendant or some other twisted+personal history.  He was elected 
into said position, and even if the MEA and APA had no affiliation he 
still would have been elected into that position.  And his mother would 
have still worked for the MEA.  That's like saying George Bush Jr. 
couldn't be Governor or Texas because his father was President of the 
United States of America.  He was elected.
