


The problem that some of you experienced earlier these past few days 
with your Eudora client and the problems you are experiencing now are 
all completely related.  We had tested out our new certificates on a 
couple of machines that we pulled out of our load balancer.  
Unfortunately, one of those machines wound up back in rotation and that 
explains why you saw that error that you saw amongst a handful of people 
a within the last few days.

Our old certificates expire tonight (or maybe tomorrow morning, I forget 
which exactly).  We rolled out the new certificates today at 4pm.  This 
explains why everyone came back to seeing errors in Eudora today.  It 
also will explain anyone who gets errors in Eudora over the next several 

There is a Service Status about it here:

And a Techbase article here:  (the screenshots may be 
slightly outdated, but we are working on correcting that)

Hope this helps.
