

Dak Aldrich wrote:
> Ya know, Matrix is running SpamAssassin before our email server.  Do you
> know that I have NEVER ONCE gotten one of these emails?  Unfortunately, we
> can't afford to have all Music faculty on our exchange system, yet. So... Of
> course, they keep getting them and like... Well... Some users... They
> actually send the info.  So far, we've caught it before anything happens,
> and are able to change the password.
> I've noticed that a lot of users are getting a lot of spam that I do not.
> Is there any plan to look at or consider a change to the spam filtering or
> the entire system that MSU uses?  Honestly, I don't think I could handle
> using my MSU account these days with all the crap others are getting.  I get
> MAYBE 6 or 7 spam a week with our setup.  And I've got MSU users that are
> getting 50 a day.
> Just curious.

For what its worth, I get almost exactly 3 pieces of spam a week.  If 
that.  I've gone about two and a half weeks at the absolute longest 
without ever receiving one piece of spam.  I have received only 3 
phishing emails ever (ever!)  I have absolutely no mail filter rules 
set.  I do not forward through some other host first.  I have just a 
generic setup like almost all of our users have but I have the basic 
spam filter option turned on and set to send messages into my spam 
folder.  It all has to do with how publicized your address is and what 
your email habits are (and sometimes who your enemies are).  When I have 
to sign up for something I use an external service (Gmail) as I use this 
MSU address for nothing but MSU related business.  I do use it to email 
people off of campus, but only insofar as related to an MSU email problem.

I'd be interested in comparing our SpamAssassin setups, but it is my 
belief that we have a pretty well-rounded install here.  Like John says, 
has been around since the first post-Pilot days.  It would be nice for 
some folks if we had a learning filter, but we do not have the resources 
to provide such a service.  Anyway, like I said... just a FWIW.
