

On Apr 9, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Joe Budzyn wrote:
> It is strongly recommended that any authentication be encrypted.   
> The preferred
> method of authentication is through Sentinel.  An alternative method  
> for
> authentication that is becoming more popular is Shibboleth.
> SSL encryption does not prevent a man-in-the-middle attack if the  
> web site
> is recording the user name and password.
> It is a good idea to ensure MSU netid authenticated web applications
> use SSL encryption.  However, some web applications can not use SSL  
> for
> technical reasons.

As a point of clarification, Shibboleth is integrated with Sentinel  
(which uses kerberos), so if you integrate with Shibboleth, you get  
the Sentinel action as well.  Kerberos ticket passing is also a  
fantastic and secure way to utilize our krb AuthN solution.


Matt Kolb  <[log in to unmask]>
Academic Technology Services
Michigan State University