


The January 2008 meeting of the MSU Network Administrators Group will
be held in 1400 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Bldg. (in the southeast
corner of the building), at 3:15 this afternoon (Wednesday, 9 January 2008).

The agenda will be fairly basic:

If there's anyone from ACNS in attendance who can give an update on the
Computer Center renovations and/or recent/near-future network developments,
this would be a good time and place to do it.

Then, John Resotko will briefly discuss the transition of the Network
Communications Committee to the Network Communications Community CAFE,
and present a request for those interested in forming a working group on
Security topics.

After this, we will discuss how the MSUNAG folks see its role in the new
environment we find ourselves in now (CAFEs instead of committees, the
existence of the MSU IT Exchange, etc.).

Then, we'll open up for general discussion.

We hope to see you there.

George J Perkins        
1209B BPS Bldg, MSU               Phone: 517-355-9200 ext 2567
East Lansing, MI  48824-2320        FAX: 517-353-4500